
Here are the mandatory legal notices that must be indicated on each website.

The website is the exclusive property of:


The website is hosted by:

2, rue Kellermann
59300 Roubaix
09 72 10 10 07

It was built by Marie DUVERNET:

2 Impasse de Thiers
Comments and suggestions can be sent to the webmaster at the following e-mail address:


The totality of the elements of the website, in particular the texts, presentations, illustrations, photographs, downloadable documents, iconographic representations, file trees and formatting are, except contrary cases, additional details and documents in the public domain, the exclusive intellectual property of Pierrick QUEROLLE.

The protographs in the “Home” and “About” sections are the exclusive intellectual property of Alexis Da Costa.

As such, their representations, reproductions, imbrications, broadcasts and rebroadcasts, whether partial or total, are prohibited in accordance with the provisions of article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Thus, any person who does so without being able to prove prior and express authorization from the holder of these rights is liable to the penalties relating to the offence of counterfeiting provided for in articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

In any case, on any authorized copy of all or part of the content of the website, the words “ © 2021” must appear.


Privacy Policy.

Use of the website:

The user designates “the Internet user connecting, using the website”.

The user’s personal information is neither collected nor published without his/her knowledge and is protected by the law known as “Informatique et Libertés” (art. 34 of the French law n°48-87 of January 6, 1978), the law n°78-87 of January 6, 1978, the law n° 2004-801 of August 2004, article L. 226-13 of the French Penal Code and the European Directive of October 24, 1995. Personal data is not exchanged, transferred, ceded or sold on any medium whatsoever to third parties.

The user undertakes not to disseminate comments, opinions or information of a defamatory, obscene, violent, racist nature and more generally contravening the French texts in force, the rights of individuals and good morals.

Any webmaster who would like to establish a link from his website to the website is required to obtain prior express authorization by requesting it from the e-mail address.

Pierrick QUEROLLE can in no way be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of websites accessible via the hypertext links contained on its website.

The website may contain advertisements. The latter can in no way be held responsible for the content of the advertisements or the consequences of any contractual relationship between the user of the website and the person who has distributed the advertisement. prohibits the use of the contact details appearing on its website for canvassing, advertising solicitation or any other commercial purpose.