Audio Director & Composer

Vincent Kerner (2016)

In a deserted library watched over by the evil Octopus computer, a typewriter that had been hiding until then meets a sheet of paper. The two objects fall in love and forget the omniscient eye of Octopus. Will they manage to escape from the monster that lurks in wait for them ?

For this short-film, I made the presences of the protagonists with an old and authentic typewriter and several old sheets of paper. As for the mechanical octopus, I created reactions, emotions, thanks to a virtual wavetable synthesizer. Then I combined the characteristics of FM synthesis to create a unique texture with a science-fiction identity.

For the music, the initial idea was to start from a orchestral score, to subtly bring a confrontation with digital sounds, with the help of sound effects, to finish on a massively digital theme. I added distortion and bitcrush on the orchestral sounds and the result was pleasant. I love to dare certain extravagances that most composers don’t allow themselves to try.