
RUBIKA (2019)

Embody Graziella, a fierce and talented recluta of the Del Campo gang: an all female criminal organisation led by Donatella Del Campo. In Montebello, the greatness of a gang is measured by the amount of Pasta one possesses. They are everything from food to religion and ammunition. For generations, the Del Campo have been holding on to the Pasta Madre, a mysteriously powerful Farfalle artefact.

For this game, I chose to produce a music track mixing jazz fusion and rock styles, on typical Neapolitan music scales. The arrangements change according to your situation, if you are spotted by the enemies, the music intensifies and the instruments more present, in the opposite case, the music is calm.

You can download the game via the following link :

Game Designers : Tristan VEILLE, Lila GRIMALDI, Antonin DRUELLE, Alexis LEDOUBLE, Julien CREPIN
Artists : Julia MARTINEZ BAIARDI, Clara WIMMER, Vincent LETANG